Calling all optometrists to Save Sight

May 15, 2024 Staff reporters

Dr Oliver Comyn, chair of New Zealand’s Save Sight Society, is hoping more optometrists will join their ophthalmology and nursing colleagues at this year’s Save Sight Society meeting in Wellington.


“This one-day conference aims to bring together as many of the country’s eyecare professionals as possible to gain valuable insights into cutting-edge ophthalmic research being carried out in New Zealand,” said Dr Comyn. “So we’re very keen to see more optometrists attending and we’ll be working hard this year to obtain full CPD accreditation.”


The conference is being held on 23 August at Te Wharewaka Function Centre on Wellington’s waterfront. Speakers will present across a range of ophthalmic subspecialities, building on the success of last year’s programme, said Dr Comyn. “We were fortunate to hear from Andrew Kim of Corneal Lens Corporation in Christchurch last year about complex contact lens fitting, which was a highlight of the meeting for many of the ophthalmologists there. This kind of multidisciplinary interaction is what makes the Save Sight conference unique in the New Zealand calendar.”


As well as providing insights into current ophthalmic research and a positive and future-thinking networking platform for eyecare professionals in Aotearoa, the society is a charity that funds many research projects, he said. “So by attending, you will also be making a valuable contribution to eyecare research in this country. We hope that you will join us to make Save Sight 2024 an even greater success than last year!”


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