Blind teenager 'see' animals
Maisy McAdam using the SightPlus headset to interact with lemurs.

Blind teenager 'see' animals

September 4, 2019 Staff reporters

Augmented reality (AR) goggles have enabled a girl who lost her sight through a brain tumour to ‘see’ the animals she loves again.

After being registered blind at age 16, Maisy McAdam dearly wished she could see animals again and was given the opportunity by GiveVision, which has developed a headset that uses magnifiers and AR to amplify remaining vision and highlight sight outlines.

Trying the googles as part of the BBC TV technology show, Click, McAdam was taken on a tour of the West Midland Safari Park where she delighted all around with her reaction to seeing stripy-tailed lemurs and colourful parrots. She even caught a sea lion giving her a wave.

GiveVision’s SightPlus device was a finalist in the UK AbilityNet accessibility award scheme last year.